16 min readJun 9, 2020


The Key to Self

Art by David Alvarez on Facebook.
Art by David Alvarez on Facebook.

These days, astrology is being accepted more and more in today’s society as a psychological science with practical uses, rather than as a fanciful and fleeting interest. The gnosis of interpreting the language of the celestial bodies has evolved across all cultures affluently, and it is interesting to note the themes shared throughout Earth’s indigenous mythos. One key theme throughout all of these cultures is the archetype of the wounded healer. Other names for this role are the tortured artist, shaman, and medicine man or woman. This role is, at its rawest essence, one of true vision as seen from the heart, and a perpetual balancing of the application(s) of said vision.

Sadly, many great shamans have been failed by the system and have found themselves trapped in the cash craving cancer that is western medicine, which seems to focus primarily on prolonging the dis-ease in order to uphold and increase their own monetary security, rather than curing and ending it in any way, shape, form, or fashion for the patients in need. When we change the way we as a society view psychosis, spiritual experiences, and healing in general, actions will be taken to help re-fulfill our shamanic potential and connection to nature.

We must each individually abolish that which does not make our heart sing, dance, jump, and pounce. Authenticity of the heart is the direct path to freedom and sovereignty on all levels because the heart is the place where all of our different selves meet. The heart is the multidimensional self's greatest common factor. The more that we acknowledge our real, authentic, heartfelt experiences, the more space we can hold for others who may have otherwise been afraid to do the same. It works like a ripple effect in this manner. This is what being a wounded healer is about; re-establishing lost connections within, and so without. In this soul retrieval, the more pieces of one's soul one retrieves, the better connected to Self one will be.

Although ironically the wounded healer cannot heal themselves, they still heal others, because they don’t let the pain from their wound turn into any kind of bitterness. They turn it into love. A good analogy that just came to me, is that if there are five elements of people on Earth, based on Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Aether, then the wounded healer is most likely Aether, or the Avatar. This is the energy bender who can adapt to any molecular density. This ability to adapt to these different vibrations is gained by going through the initiations of soul retrieval, which allows the Self-existent being to face their most persistent fears, which are predominantly festerings of the stagnation of blocked out trauma. By and through facing these fears alone, and by the way in which we process and move them out of the way with practicality(earth), shape them with and around our emotions/bias(water), move around them(air), distill them with illumination(fire), or simply be them(aether), we gain a multifaceted perspective on ourselves, which is a priceless commodity, especially in today’s society. We receive the potential to make our own lessons out of the way that we react, and by paying attention to our bodies, minds, and hearts, we become more comfortable in the role of the impartial observer.

When psychosis happens, the potential for spiritual awakening is there, but the awakening is only the first step. After one has awakened, one must rise, eat, breathe, sleep, and keep going. The wounded healer knows this and makes the most of it. The wounded healer is an alchemist, knowing that no matter what density they hold out of the classical elements, they always were and will always will be Aether or Spirit at the root, animating and sustaining it all. Remember when I mentioned that the heart is the multidimensional selfs greatest common factor? Well… isn’t it interesting that you can spell the word “heart” from the word “aether?” In this way, we are all wounded healers on some level, being each a peace in the puzzle that is the universe. None who walk with or for the Most High can get left behind, and the more people who connect to the spark of their divinity, the quicker this can be built and appreciated in all it’s glory.

When I heal you, I heal me too, and when you heal me, you heal you too. We heal each other naturally, just like nature heals itself naturally. When authenticity is allowed and encouraged, healing happens. What we have always thought ourselves to be ‘missing’ has really been with us the whole time. However, since we pay attention to external stimuli excessively in comparison to how little attention we pay within, we miss it. What is within is what we thought we were missing. But we’ve always had it, we were just looking in literally all the wrong places. If you miss something that you were never really missing… did you ever really miss anything at all? Or was it just a process? Have you missed anything, or been ‘missing’ anything, or has this society been telling you subliminally through manipulated consent(with a contrived dynamic derived from the narcissist vs. empath duality), that you were never enough? This is why we decondition, and get back to our true selves. This is why it’s called holistic healing, because it makes the patient whole again.

When balance is achieved, or equal distribution of energy throughout our bodies(which is exuded from and equal to the intensity of radiation from the greatest common factor, or heart), it can be seen that the ‘others’ with whom we spend our days and nights(friends, family, pets, neighbors, etc.) are at their most honest level, aspects of us, just in other avatars(different branches of the same tree... no matter how distant the connection may be, it is still there, by way of co-existence). When we consciously decide to see, know, acknowledge, and identify with the spark or heart of divinity and real awareness within, we can give our own selves and others a level of compassion that is truly overflowing. This compassion comes in any and all forms, and establishing boundaries is one of the most important ways we can show compassion to our Self, who is, after all, the one most worthy of our compassion. By doing this, we close off our energy field and re-member that we always have the choice to give or revoke consent, because we ARE that very power of choice itself. By establishing these boundaries, one also shows others by example how to respect their self and others. Either and all ways, the love overflows. This happens naturally because when there isn’t any more illusion of separation, love is free to flow as it does. An important note: when I say, ‘isn’t any more separation’, I do not mean that boundaries and individuality are not respected and understood on all levels. I mean that they are SO respected and understood on all levels, that the boundary can become a being in itself, stemming and growing from the re-membrance that the reality in which we exist is an extension of ourselves, the Spirit. This is also what abundance is. Truth. Truth, infinitely layered.

When it is understood that all is one within, boundaries are much more easily established with both others, and the Self, because the Self-existent being is conscious that each character in this movie is a fleeting aspect of the Self that is boomeranging back, working only off the momentum from the Self-existent beings initial throw. The gnosis of this realization is the first step on a healer’s journey to wholeness. What one puts out, one also receives.

When the chirotic ritual of energetic inheritance is played out, without attachment to the outcome, saturnian energy builds to a point of apex pressure. Saturn is about discipline, so when this discipline has built itself up to a point of excellency, Chiron is where the pressure overflows and feeds others too. This can be seen in space, as Chiron comes right after Saturn. Then, after Chiron, are the generational planets, which are, to us, a bridge to other galaxies.

If we look at the order of the planets as expanding from the origin of our sun, Sol(heart/core), we have Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, asteroid belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, & Orcus. Looking at our collective evolution, we are ending the Age of Pisces, according to many. Many people also believe that we are currently in the Age of Aquarius, or even on the cusp of the Age of Aquarius. Well, my honeys, I got something real important to tell you. Chiron is right between Saturn and Uranus. Did we not just come out of a Saturn-ruled, Satan ruled… Set-ruled era of history? The future will need a new word to describe what went down here on Earth cumulatively up until 2020. Uranus does not come directly after Saturn. If you want to bear the waters for humanity and see the paradisiac love, you must first dive into your own and expunge the parasites that cause stagnancy to your flow. And thusly so, one cannot tap into the electrical, humanitarian energies of Aquarius without first deeply diving into the Self to see, understand, and extract the wound that has been there since childhood(or maybe even before).

This, my friends, is why I say we are in the Age of Chiron… the age of taking responsibility. Because what do we see happening in the world? Ugliness, to the untrained eye, but ugliness only because it is re-surfacing and cleansing. It has been hiding, and in order to die, the ignorance and stagnancy must show itself performatively in a last ditch attempt for control over the general populous. It’s just a part of the process, and it’s important to remember in these times(for relaxation’s sake) that we have already won, because we are one(won). When the individual has won themselves over from their own inner parasites, the collective re-claims itself in much the same way.

Earth is like a rose that blooms away her old petals to make space for the new ones. This is why the energy of Chiron is so important at this time. This is why Chiron is the key to Self. Chiron reassures us that we are not alone, and that someone is always here to connect with us, because otherwise, we would literally not exist at all. Just as others are the boomerangs we have thrown and the patterns we have traversed, so are we to them.

Chiron is the activation factor in your body that is the difference between you doing something, and you not doing something. Chiron is your power of choice, because no matter where you find yourself, you are either going to choose to change your potential energy into active energy, or change your active energy into potential energy. You are always transmuting energy.

This is why Chiron is the Great Teacher; the chirotic transmutation of energy comes directly from the healer’s experiences of infinite concurrent lives, ancestors, and descendants… which are, in turn, all born from the healer’s imagination(All is Mind/Soul). The imagination, in turn, comes from the healer. This is what I mean by Self-existent being. We are always coming back to Self, no matter what way we decide to take. All ways lead back to Self… because I always lead back to Self.

These lives are all one(won) with the wounded healer. This is why the heart is so important; being the centerpeace in the Venn diagram of the matrices, it is where the healer connects to the health. Chiron is you. Chiron is the bravery of the leap of faith when the jumper knows not of their own guaranteed survival. Chiron is letting go in order to open up to what and who is more aligned and waiting for us. It is the energy of a bridge, an in-between… a ‘liminal space’.

For those who don’t know, a liminal space is a transitory place, or a place where you’re not supposed to spend too much time(train station, mom’s basement, bus stop, bathroom, airport, the homie’s couch, etc.). The energy of Chiron is the nature of the connection of all things, through these liminal spaces, just as our inner energetic systems become lit up and well connected, by being present in the liminal space, seeing it for what it is, and maybe even embracing it. Chiron is the key.

For example, yoga is a practice which… ‘sheds light on each part of the body’. The stretches, although they may seem to look ‘awkward’ at first, allow the light in, and open the body, mind and soul up. We as humans in our western colonized society seem to be intimidated by the ‘awkwardness’ of these spaces, when we’re made to stay in them for what seems like unnaturally long periods of time. Let us quickly analyze this fear. Humans don’t want to be seen in liminal spaces unnaturally because, often times, they likely feel that other humans are judging them. Why do they care if the other humans judge them? Well, a rebuttal can be that humans are social creatures and need other humans validation to feel happy, most of the time. Although the experience is sometimes as trying as it is rewarding, this validations true home was always within. That was where it started, and that is where it will be when it ends.

So it seems to be an amnesiac disconnection from the Self, masked by a general lack of validation from what one perceives as ‘other’. This scares people about most previously unknown things and keeps them in a state of fear. When we look much deeper into who we were before we were this avatar, we can trace back even farther, casting a line of fearlessness into the ocean of our cosmic past, and being ready to reel in whatever’s biting. The unknown is made known through movement, through discovery. In the Bible, The Word is the first thing God uttered. That’s movement, that’s sound. Chiron is the activation of that dynamism. In this way, and many others, Chiron is the key to oneness, for as we connect the lights within our bodies, we connect the lights(souls) on the body of Earth too, remembering once and for all the inconceivability of who we are.

Chiron (or Cheiron, Kheiron) was discovered on November 1, 1977. Not only is this a date that lines up in the Fibonacci sequence(11-1-77), but also, this dates numerology adds up to 9, and 9 is known to be a spiritual number, the ‘number of God’, in fact. It represents the in-spiraling of inner spiritual work, as contrasted with the out-spiraling of the 6 (although it should be noted verily, that one’s own point of view is the deciding factor in whether one sees the spiral as coming towards them or going away from them). This mirroring is also alluded to in the classic Jimi Hendrix song ‘If 6 Was 9’.

So, what else does all of this have to do with Chiron? Well, the chirotic energy (or kairotic when in reference to the Greek Kairos) is the energy of the turnover, the revolution, the surrender, the change, and the igniting strike. This is when the Self-existent being finally gets out of their own way, and stops stopping themselves from doing (or not doing) what they really desire to do. A cliché yet applicable term that sums this up, is to ‘let go’. Since that term is so vague, I’d like to say that, in my personal experience, the best way to interpret this statement, is by letting ‘go’ happen, or simply letting it do what it does. Stopping stopping yourself. Feel what you feel, naturally. Chiron is the dichotomous key for all of these experiences.

When looking at the etymology of the word ‘Chiron’, more connections come to mind. I would first like to kindly suggest seeing the kiro/chiro root word as an archetype in the universal language of understanding. One movie that heavily exemplifies Chiron’s themes is 1988’s Akira(it’s title being phonetically similar, a quote in the movie is ‘good for health, bad for education’, the movie itself is about psychic expansion, etc.). This classic takes place in post-war Tokyo, 2020, and delves into what happens when the powers of a god get into the hands of a child with deeply unresolved trauma. Another anime that goes into Chiron mythology is ‘Golden Boy’. The main character is a 25 year old male lover boy who rides his bike everywhere. His name is Kintaro, which is phonetically similar to the Greek Kentauros, meaning centaur. The main lesson that most people get out of this anime is to not at all be attached to the outcomes of one’s actions. Kintaro does things for other people because he wants to, and he holds absolutely no shame for his desire to be of service to the people around him. He understands the gift of his own existence, and as a fifth elemental being, simply is. Golden Boy can be found on YouTube(6 episodes long), and Akira is on Hulu. Neither of these anime are for children.

Chiromancy is the art of reading the palms. In tarot, the cards each have astrological associations(Pisces-Moon, Capricorn-Devil, etc.). Chiron, when synchronized to the tarot deck, rules the reader themselves(of course, because Chiron is the key to Self). Chiropracty is the healing of the bones and joints through use of the application of the hands. Chirography is the art of writing. Chirothesia is the energy felt in the hands during sacred rites. Chiral is the polarization of light from one hand to the other. Chiral is also a property of asymmetry important to several branches of western science. Our hands are asymmetrical. The Enchiridion is a manual or a handbook.

As we can see, the Greek root ‘chiro’ means hand. In their mythology, Chiron was known to be the wisest and most just of all the centaurs. The centaurs, on the other hand(pun intended, I guess), were known to be loud, rambunctious and rude. Chiron was born from Kronos the titan, and Philyra the water nymph. They abandoned their son after seeing his hybrid, half-human, half-horse form(which is another symbol for the bridge energy, from animal to human), but luckily, Apollo, the sun god, raised the young centaur into adulthood, and Chiron became the archetypal ‘Great Teacher’, mentoring the likes of warriors such as Achilles, Asclepius and Heracles.

Teachers and mentors are people who open the door for their students… they show them that their very will to be open and learn is the very same will that creates the bridge which leads from the side of ignorance to the side of wisdom. Once the curiosity of the unknown has been established, the bridge is already built, because the action created the reaction. This is manifestation, and this is also why great teachers and encouraging role models are very important in life… or rather, seeing life as a great teacher or encouraging, dynamic role model is very important. A great teacher will show their students that they themselves are the power that they need. This is the self-realization of the energy of Chiron… it is an ‘a-ha moment’ to end all ‘a-ha moments’ for all Self-existent beings.

We’d be limiting ourselves if we only learned about the Greek associations, so let’s see what other cultures have words that are phonetically similar to Chiron, and make connections thusly. Firstly, we have the Kirin. The Kirin is a hooved, draconic, mammalian chimaera creature hailing from East Asia. In Japan they are known as Kirin, in China, they are known as Qilin. We can see the prevailing themes in being a hooved being(and a hybrid at that) as a match for Chiron, as well as the name. But what else is special about Qilins? Well, they are also known as the Chinese unicorn. The purity of the unicorns immortality (as also seen in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in the scene with Firenze the centaur in the Forbidden Forest) is one and the same with the way Chiron was an immortal as well, by having the blood of his titan father, Kronos, or Saturn(in connection once more to the end of the Age of Saturn, and the new son rising in the Age of Chiron, which derived from the story of Ausar and Heru in Kemet).

Although he was immortal, the wound that made him a healer would be the same wound to effectively end his immortality. This wound was from the arrow shot by Hercules(or Heracles) and stained with the venom of the Hydra. The Hydra is a many-headed dragon, and in a way, this wound represented the awakening of the draconic energetic systems in the body (i.e. nadis in the body to ley lines/dragon lines in the Earth). By needing to heal himself, and having no other choice but to surrender to the fact that he would have died if he didn’t, he learned about health, and in turn, his own love for himself showered kindly upon others as well. That’s not to say that eventually he didn’t die, because he did, knowing that he couldn’t bear the pain for eternity. Like I had stated above… the alchemist/wounded healer does not allow their pain to turn into bitterness. They turn it into love.

Chiron is the culmination of saturnine discipline of form, diligence, and in turn, exponentially increased aptitudes. The aptitudes have increased in concentration and density so much so, that at the next step, there is no other way but to be a bridge for and to universal energy, which overflows on it’s own time(which Saturn/Kronos is also known for ruling… and again, next in line is Chiron at the beginning of the new age). Chiron is the tuning key for the lessons that have been learned, integrated and reflected upon. Chiron is the harmonizer. Chiron is the rainbow bridge from Saturn, the last of the inner/middle planets, to Uranus, the first of the universal, collective, outer planets. As I have stated before, we are not yet in the Age of Aquarius; we are in the Age of Chiron. We are in the age of the sovereign resilience, the age of those who see and admit the truth for the benefit of the whole, no matter how embarrassing it may be to them at that moment. We are the generation at the center-point of the X, and as we know, X marks the spot. Wounded healers will thrive in the age of the wounded healer… for we are starting to see that people’s qualifications are more like status trophies that seek to embody a need to be perceived as ‘more valuable’ than the next one, rather than being the simple and honorable licenses to practice that they were maybe never even originally meant to be. We will no longer play dumb to all of what is going on, and for those who know, I salute you. It is thanks to warriors like you, who combat low frequencies like shame, guilt, and fear with your love, that this is all changing for the better. How does it feel to you? It is thanks to you that people are starting to see and understand not to put negative stigmas around people labeled as ‘crazy, withdrawn, slow, dumb, etc’. Instead, we revere these beings, learning from them with the utmost respect for their unique experience, because they are a part of us. Let this be a call to these forgotten shamans. May we honor your experiences by experiencing our own, and in doing so, respecting and reclaiming the sovereignty of the Earth upon which we move our feet.





-Father, Lover, God's Child, Afro-Surrealist, World-Builder, Dreamer, Creator, Feeler, Inspired.

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